Kurt Hegmann, MD, MPH

I serve as Center Director of RMCOEH—a position I have held at the University of Utah (UU) since 2003 and now expanded to include Weber State University. Over my tenure, I've led our excellent faculty in the transformative development of a PhD degree in OEH with 3 emphases, 2 masters degrees with 11 emphases, graduate certificates and undergraduate training in OSH. These have resulted in a 79.4% increase in the rate of RMCOEH graduates. Our faculty have worked with our RMCOEH Advisory Board to initiate 3 legislative sources of funding support for RMCOEH. These have resulted in approximately doubling the size of the center’s faculty, our total annual RMCOEH-associated budget has increased from $2.2M to $12M, student class sizes have more than doubled, and research output has increased more than tenfold. My research emphasizes musculoskeletal disorders epidemiology, transportation safety and improvements in the care for injured workers. I'm particularly proud of our faculty, staff, students and graduates as we create the future of OSH.